Page 72 - BBS-20-Anniversary-Book-of-Achievements
P. 72

Message from Chairman of Tamkeen
                                                                                                                                                                                                          نيكمت ةرادإ سلجم سيئر ةملك
        HE SHAIKH MOHAMMED BIN ESSA AL KHALIFA                                                                                                                                              ةفيلخ لآ ىسيع نب دمحم خيشلا يلاعم

        Supporting the journey of women in the field                                                                                                                   ةيومنتلاو ةيدايرلا ةأرملا ةريسم معد

        of entrepreneurship

        that  Tamkeen  offers, Bahraini enterprises  have        ةعـــساو ةعومجم نم مويلا نيكمت همدقت ام عم اًماجـــسناو                Supporting the journey of women in the field of         فادهلأا زربأ نم ،ةـــيومنتلاو ةيدايرلا ةأرملا ةريـــسم معد يتأي
        received the necessary support for their various         رداوكلا وأ ةأرـــملا فدهتـــست يتلا كـــلت ءاوـــس معدلا جمارب نـــم  entrepreneurship and development is amongst the          يف اهـــسيسأت ذنم "نـــيكمت" ةـــئيه لمع اـــهنم قلطني يـــتلا
        commercial projects at different stages of their         ةيجاتنلإا تايوتـــسم ىلعأ قيقحت فدـــهب ماع لكـــشب ةينيرحبلا        most prominent goals that Tamkeen prides itself to        ةيكلملا تاهيجوتلا عـــم فادهلأا هذه مجـــسنتو .2006 ماعلا
        development starting from the very first stages of       ىلإ تاءاـــصحلإا ريـــشت ،لمعلا قوـــس يف زـــيمتلاو ةيـــسفانتلاو   have sustained since its establishment in 2006. These     لآ ىـــسيع نب دمح كـــلملا ةللاجلا بـــحاص ةرـــضحل ةيماـــسلا
        the establishment until the stage of growth and          لاو ،تاعاطقلا ةفاك يـــمانتملا زاجنلإا لظ يف ظوحلملا عـــسوتلا       goals are of course in line with the Royal Directives     يعاـــسمو ،هاعرو للها هـــظفح نيرحبلا ةـــكلمم كـــلم ةـــفيلخ
        expansion. It’s worth noting that the percentage of      اهتمهاـــسم كلذب ةل ّ عف ُ م ،يراـــجتلاو يداصتقلاا عاطقلا اميـــس   of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, alongside the        ةأرملا رود زـــيزعت يـــف ليوطلا اهخيرات رـــبع ةـــثيثحلا ةـــكلمملا
        Bahraini women who benefitted from this support          كارحلاو صاـــخلا عاـــطقلل عـــسوأ قاـــطن ءاـــنب يـــف ةـــحضاولا  Kingdom’s  ongoing  efforts  throughout  history  in      يف ةدـــئارلا اهتمصب زـــيزعتو ةـــيتايحلا لـــفاحملا ةـــفاك يـــف
        reached more than 59%.                                                      .ماع لكـــشب ةكلمملا يـــف يداصتقلاا              enhancing the role of women across all fields and                      .زيزعلا نـــطولا اذه عـــقاوو لبقتـــسم ةعانص
          As  for supporting individuals, Tamkeen provides       ةأرملا ةمهاـــسم زيزعت ىـــلإ ةيمارلا معدلا تارداـــبم زرـــبأ نمو   to position them at the forefront to contribute to        تاردابملا نـــم ةمزح للاـــخ نم كلذ يف "نـــيكمت" رود زرـــبيو
        support  for  professional  development,   which  is     وه نيرحبلا ةـــكلممل ةـــيداصتقلاا ةموظنملا نـــمض ةـــينيرحبلا      the future of the country’s economy.                      هذه نـــمضتتو ،ةـــلعافلا ةأرـــملا ةكراـــشم مـــعدل ةـــفلتخملا
        considered one of the most prominent forms of            ام( يكيرمأ رلاود نوـــيلم 100 ــــب ردـــقت ةميقب ،تاداـــير ةـــظفحم  Tamkeen’s role is highlighted through a package of      اًصيصخ تـــممص يتلا ةيزيزعتلا جـــماربلا نـــم ديدعلا ةـــمزحلا
        human resource support launched by  ‘Tamkeen’            دحأ اهفصوب يـــتأت يتلاو ،)يـــنيرحب راـــنيد نوـــيلم 37 ىلع دـــيزي  different initiatives launched to support the active    نع ًلاضف اذـــه ،صاـــخ لكـــشب ةأرملا تاجايتحا مـــعد ةـــيبلتل
        aimed at investing in the national local talent and      ،ةأرملل ىـــلعلأا ســـلجملا نم لك نـــيب كرتـــشملا نواـــعتلا راـــمث  participation  of  women.  This  package  includes     معدو ةلماـــشلا "نيكمت" جـــمارب نـــمض اهمامأ صرـــفلا ةحاتإ
        to achieve the highest levels of competition in the      ةصنم نوكتل ةـــيمنتلل نيرحبلا كـــنبو "نيكمت" لـــمعلا قودنصو        programmes  that  were  specifically  designed  to        ةياعر رـــبع تاعاطقلا فـــلتخم يـــف اهتاكراـــشمو اـــهتاردابم
        market. The percentage of women who benefitted               .ةيداصتقلاا ةـــيمنتلا بـــحر يف قلاطنلااو عادـــبلإل ةزـــفحم   meet the needs of women, in addition to providing         ةيداصتقلاا ةـــيمنتلاب ىنعُت يـــتلا تايلاعفلاو جـــماربلل "نيكمت"
        from this was 47%. In addition, Tamkeen has taken        يف ةأرـــملل ةمدقملا مـــعدلا ةبـــسن تغلب ،رـــخآ بـــناج نمو       opportunities through  Tamkeen’s comprehensive                                                        .ةأرملاو
        part in a number of activities and events that aim       %26 ىلإ لصي اـــم تاـــسسؤملا معد جمانربل لامعلأا ريوطت راـــطإ      programmes and supporting their initiatives and
        to support the development of women in various           يف جمانربلا نيـــشدت ذـــنم كلذو ،مدـــقملا معدلا يـــلامجإ نم       participation  in  various  sectors  by  sponsoring
        sectors  and  to  enhance  their  skills  in  leadership                             .2014 ماـــعلا نم عبارلا عـــبرلا        programmes and events related to economic
        positions.                                               اهحرطت يـــتلا رغصلا يهانتملا لـــيومتلا جـــمارب ديعص ىـــلعو       development and women.
          Finally, the opportunities to celebrate the            مزلالا مـــعدلا ىـــلع ةـــينيرحبلا تاـــسسؤملا تـــلصح ،نـــيكمت      In  line  with  what Tamkeen  offers  today  from  a
        innovative models of female entrepreneurs are            اً ً ءدب ،اهومن لـــحارم فلتخم يف ،ةـــفلتخملا ةيراجتلا عيراـــشملل  wide range of support programmes, whether those
        distinctly evident through the Bahrain Award for         تغلبو ،عـــسوتلاو ومنلا روط ىتحو ىـــلولأا سيـــسأتلا لحارم نم       targeting  women  or  Bahraini  individuals  with  the
                                                                    .%59 قوـــفي ام كلذ راـــطإ يف ةينيرحبلا ةأرـــملا معد ةبـــسن
        Entrepreneurship, as it succeeded in highlighting        ريوطتلل مـــعدلا نـــيكمت مدـــقت ،دارـــفلأا مـــعد راـــطإ يـــفو  aim of achieving the highest levels of productivity,
        the role and achievements of women in the                تاراهملاو ةـــيفارتحلاا تاداهـــشلا جـــمانرب للاـــخ نـــم يـــنهملا  competitiveness, and excellence in the labour
        entrepreneurial sector as one of the vital economic      ةيرـــشبلا دراوملا مـــعد لاكـــشأ زربأ نم دعي يذـــلاو ،ةيـــساسلأا  market, statistics indicate a noticeable growth of
        sectors. The rate of women’s participation in this       يرـــشبلا رصنعلا يف رامثتـــسلاا فدـــهب "نيكمت" اهتنـــشد يـــتلا   women’s achievements across all sectors, especially
        award since the inception of its first edition in 2014    .لمعلا قوـــس يف ةيـــسفانتلا تايوتـــسم ىلعأ قيقحتو ،ينطولا        within the sector of economics and commerce.
        has reached up to 40% of total participants.                 .%57 جمانربلا نـــم تاديفتـــسملا ءاـــسنلا ةبـــسن تغلب دـــقو  Therefore,  this  showcases  and  proves  her  clear
          The  development  of  human  resources,  and  the      تاـــيلاعفلا نـــم دـــيدعلا يـــف ةمهاـــسملا نـــع  ً لاـــضف اذـــه  contribution towards building a wider scope for the
        focus on providing support within the framework          اهتاراهم زيزعتو ،تاـــعاطقلا فلتخم يـــف ةأرملا ةيمنتل ةـــمعادلا    private sector and economic development of the
        of supporting the needs of women in particular,                                           .ةيدايرلا عـــقاوملا يـــف          Kingdom.
        in honour of their vital role within their family        ةعدبملا جذاـــمنلاب ءاـــفتحلاا صرف ىلجتت ،اًرـــخآ سيلو اًرـــيخأو    Amongst the most prominent initiatives aimed at
        and social community, represents an important            ةدايرل نيرحبلا ةزـــئاج ربع زيمتم لكـــشب لامعلأا تادئارو داور نم    enhancing the contribution of Bahraini women within
        cornerstone of Tamkeen’s pillars, and it’s an essential    تازاجنإو رود ىـــلع ءوـــضلا طيلـــست يف تحجن ثـــيح ،لاـــمعلأا   Bahrain’s economy is the 'Riyadat Portfolio', with
        platform for strengthening the national aspirations      تاـــعاطقلا دـــحأ هـــفصوب لاـــمعلأا ةداـــير عاـــطق يـــف ةأرـــملا  an estimated value of $100 million USD (more than
        to celebrate the role of Bahraini women.                 هذه يف ةأرـــملا ةكراـــشم ةبـــسن تغلبو ،ةـــيويحلا ةـــيداصتقلاا   BHD 37 million), which is launched in cooperation
                                                                 لصي ام ،2014 ماـــع يـــف ىلولأا اهتخـــسن قلاطنا ذـــنم ةزـــئاجلا  between the Supreme Council for Women, Tamkeen
        Mohammed bin Essa Al Khalifa                                            .نيكراـــشملا عومجم يـــلامجإ نم %40 ىـــلإ           and the Bahrain Development Bank to serve as a
        Chairman of Tamkeen                                      يف معدلا مـــيدقت ىلع زـــيكرتلاو ،يرـــشبلا رصنعلا ةـــيمنت نإ      catalyst for creativity and innovation towards
                                                                 اًميركت ،صوـــصخلا هـــجو ىـــلع ةأرـــملا تاـــجايتحا مـــعد راـــطإ  economic development. On the other hand, the
                                                                 اًنكر لـــثمي ،يعامتجلااو يرـــسلأا قاـــطنلا ىلع يوـــيحلا اـــهرودل  percentage of support provided to women in the
                                                                 اًقلطنمو ،"نيكمت" لمع ناكرأ نمض اًّيـــساسأ اًنكر لثمي اًّيـــساسأ   framework of developing business for the Enterprise
                                                                 ةأرملا رودـــب ءافتحلاا يـــف ةـــينطولا تاـــعلطتلا زـــيزعتل اًيـــساسأ  Support Programme has amounted to 26% of the
                                                                                                             .ةينيرحبلا               total support provided, since it launched in the
                                                                                             ةفيلخ لآ ىسيع نب دمحم                    fourth quarter of 2014.
                                                                                                نيكمت ةرادإ سلجم سيئر                   When it comes to the microfinance programmes

          73   BAHRAIN BUSINESSWOMEN'S SOCIETY 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS                                                                                                                           حاجنلا نم اًماع 20  ةينيرحبلا لامعلأا تاديس ةيعمج  72
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