Page 67 - BBS-20-Anniversary-Book-of-Achievements
P. 67

Message from Minister of Industry, Commerce & Tourism                ةحايسلاو ةراجتلاو ةعانصلا ريزو ةملك

 HE ZAYED BIN RASHID AL ZAYANI                                          ينايزلا دشار نب دياز ديسلا ةداعس
 20 bright years in support of the economic    ةيداصتقلاا ةموظنملا معد يف ةئيضم اماع نورشع

 system in the Kingdom of Bahrain                                                              نيرحبلا يف

           The constructive role played by Bahraini women          ءاـــنب يـــف ةـــينيرحبلا ةأرـــملل رـــثؤملاو يوـــضهنلا رودـــلا نإ
         in the development of Bahraini society is time-           ثيح .نيرحبلا ةـــكلمم خيرات ربع يـــلجو ميدق عقاو عـــمتجملا
         honoured  and  evident  to  us  all,  as  they  have      تلااجم يـــف ةـــسوململا اهتامصب ةـــينيرحبلا ةأرـــملا تـــعضو
         established  noticeable  foundations  in  many  fields,    يـــعامتجلاا لـــمعلاو بـــطلاو مـــيلعتلا اـــهمهأ نـــم ةدـــيدع
                                                                   نيرحبلا تـــناك اـــملاطف .ةيـــسايسلا ةكراـــشملاو يـــعوطتلاو
         such as education, medicine, social and voluntary         ةقطنملا ىوتـــسم ىـــلع سيل كـــلذ يف ةقابـــسلا لودـــلا نم
         work and political participation, to mention a few.                     .ا ً ضيأ يـــملاعلا ىوتـــسملا ىـــلع لب ،بـــسحف
           Bahrain  has  always  been  in  the  forefront  of      دعاوق ءانب يـــف ةحضاو ةينيرحبلا ةأرملا تاـــمصب ىرن مويلا و
         countries, not only in the region, but also on the        مويلا نـــيرحبلا تـــققح ثـــيح ،هروـــطتو يـــنيرحبلا داـــصتقلاا
         international level. Today, we clearly see the positive    امدقتم اـــيداصتقا ازـــكرم نيصلخملا اـــهتانب و اـــهئانبأ لـــضفب
         impact of Bahraini women on setting the basics of         يروحملاو مهملا رودـــلا اذه  ِ تأي ملو .ةـــيملاعلا ةطراخلا ىـــلع
         the Kingdom's economy and its development.                معادلا دوهج لـــضفب مث ،للها نم لـــضفب لاإ لامعلأا تاديـــسل
         Thanks to its devoted sons and daughters, Bahrain         ةللاجلا بحاص ةرـــضح يديـــس ،ةينيرحبلا ةأرملا ةريـــسمل لولأا
         has now reached a leading economic position in the        نيرحبلا ةـــكلمم كـــلم ةـــفيلخ لآ ىـــسيع نـــب دـــمح كـــلملا
         world.                                                    تاءاطع مـــعد يف ادهج رـــخدي مل يذـــلا ،هاعرو للها هـــظفح
           This crucial role played by Bahraini                    يف لمعتل اـــهل ةـــحاتملا تاـــيناكملإا ةـــفاك ريخـــستو ةأرـــملا
         businesswomen is owed to the endless support
         of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to women
         and  utilising  all  the  possible  resources  to
         empower them to work in all fields with utmost
           We must also recall the unwavering supportive
         stances of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al
 From this standpoint, we clearly see the pivotal    ةميركلا ةياعرلا اـــمئاد ركذتـــسن و ،رادتقا لكب تلااـــجملا ةفاك
 role of Bahrain Businesswomen Society as an    ةفيلخ لآ ميهاربإ تنب ةكيبـــس ةريملأا يكلملا ومـــسلا ةبحاصل  Khalifa, Wife  of  HM  the  King  and  President  of
 integral  part  of  Bahrain's  development,  as  the    ةأرملل ىـــلعلأا سلجملا ةـــسيئر نـــيرحبلا ةكلمم كـــلم ةـــنيرق  the Supreme Council for Women, who laid the
 Society devoted all its efforts to develop the    ديدعلا تـــسرأ يتلا اهنيكمتو ةأرـــملا مدـــقت يف للها اـــهظفح  cornerstone of women empowerment and
 business atmosphere in the Kingdom with all its    ةديـــس ةيمهأو رود ىـــلع دكؤت يـــتلا نيناوقلاو دـــعاوقلا نـــم  advancement, and inspired many laws and
 levels and sectors.    امك .هوـــمن و ينطولا داـــصتقلاا معد يـــف ةينيرحبلا لاـــمعلأا  legislations that affirm the significant position of
 Since its inception in the year 2000, Bahrain      لحارلا  ومسلا بحاص يديـــس ةـــسائرب ةرقوملا ةموكحلا تلوأ  Bahraini businesswomen in supporting the
 Businesswomen Society has taken great strides by    همامتها لـــج للها همحر ةـــفيلخ لآ ناملـــس نـــب ةفيلخ  رـــيملأا  growth  and  development  of  the  national
  صاخ لكـــشب لامعلأا تاديـــس و ماع لكـــشب ةينيرحبلا ةأرـــملل
 contributing to the establishment of a robust    بحاص يديـــسل مئادلا يعـــسلا و يلجلا رودلا نع لـــفغن لا و ،  economy.
 national economy, as it has successfully attracted    دهعلا يلو ةـــفيلخ لآ دمح نـــب ناملـــس ريملأا يكلملا ومـــسلا  The constant role played by HRH Prince
 various events and investments to the Kingdom and    ةينيرحبلا ةأرـــملا رود دفر يف للها هـــظفح ءارزولا سلجم ســـيئر  Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince
 made bold statements while representing it in the    ةيمنتل ةيلبقتـــسملا جماربلاو ىؤرلا قيقحت يـــف اهرود ةمجرت و  and Prime Minister, in integrating Bahraini
 best image in local, regional and international events    .نيرحبلا  ةـــكلمم  داصتقا  women in the achievement of future visions and
 and activities.     تاديـــس ةيعمجل يروـــحملا رودـــلا ءاج قلطنملا اذـــه نـــمو  programs to develop the Kingdom's economy, is
 The Society has been  in constant harmony and    ةيومنتلا ةريـــسملا نم أزجتي لا ا ً ءزج دعت يتلا ةـــينيرحبلا لامعلأا  also greatly appreciated.
 coordination with the Ministry of Industry,    لامعلأا ةئيب ريوطت يـــف ا ً دهج رخدت مل ثيح ،نيرحبلا ةـــكلممل  I would also like to underline that, throughout
 Commerce and Tourism, with the aim of further    تطخ دقف ،اهتاعاطقو اهتايوتـــسم لكب نيرحبلا ةكلمم يـــف  years, the respected Government, led by the Late
 pushing the economic system forward and ensuring    يف ةمهاـــسملا يف ةراـــبج تاوطخ لامعلأا تاديـــس ةـــيعمج  Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al
 its smooth continuity that is in addition to embracing    ةقلاطنا يـــف موي لوأ ذـــنم كلذو ،يوـــق ينطو داـــصتقا ءاـــنب  Khalifa, has dedicated great interest and attention
 and supporting female Bahraini entrepreneurs and    يف تمهاـــس دقف .اذـــه انموي ىـــتحو ،2000 ماـــع ةـــيعمجلا  to the needs and requirements of Bahraini women
  ةـــيملاعلا تارامثتـــسلاا و تاـــيلاعفلا نـــم دـــيدعلا باطقتـــسا  in general and businesswomen in particular.

 67  BAHRAIN BUSINESSWOMEN'S SOCIETY 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS        حاجنلا نم اًماع 20  ةينيرحبلا لامعلأا تاديس ةيعمج  66
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