Page 93 - BBS-20-Anniversary-Book-of-Achievements
P. 93

Strategic Vision  ةيجيتارتسلاا ةيؤرلا  Message from Past President                    ةقباسلا ةسيئرلا ةملك

 Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society was founded  by  16   SHAIKHA AISHA BINT ALI AL KHALIFA ةفيلخ لآ يلع تنب ةشئاع ةخيشلا
 Bahraini businesswomen.  The society  was  established    16 لبق نـــم ةـــينيرحبلا لاـــمعلأا تاديـــس ةـــيعمج تـــسسأت
 in Bahrain in 2000 in accordance with the provisions of    ماع نيرحبلا يـــف ةيعمجلا تـــسسأت .تاينيرحب لاـــمعأ ةديـــس  2005 - 2006
 the Law on Associations  and  Social Clubs, Cultural and    ةيعامتجلاا ةـــيدنلأاو تايعمجلا نوـــناق ماكحأ بـــجومب 2000
 Private Bodies working in the youth and sports and private    ةضايرلاو بابـــشلا يف ةـــلماعلا ةصاخلاو ةـــيفاقثلا تاـــئيهلاو
 institutions  promulgated  by  Legislative  Decree  field  No.    مقر يعيرـــشتلا موـــسرملاب رداـــصلا ةـــصاخلا تاـــسسؤملاو
 (21) for the year 1989 and the ministerial decrees issued    ذنم .اـــهذيفنتب ةرداـــصلا ةـــيرازولا تارارـــقلاو 1989 ماـــعل )21(  It gives me great pleasure to    ةرادإ  ســـلجم  ئـــنهأ  نأ  يندعـــسي
 for  its  implementation.  Since its  establishment  in  2000,    لامعلأا تاديـــس ةـــيعمج تـــبعل ،2000 ماـــع يـــف اهـــسيسأت  congratulate the Board and the members    ةـــينيرحبلا  لاـــمعلأا  تاديـــس  ةـــيعمج
 the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society plays an important    تاديـــس ىلع زيكرتلاو ةأرملا نـــيكمت يف اًمهم اًرود ةـــينيرحبلا  of the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society    ةبـــسانمب  تاميركلا  ةـــيعمجلا  تاوضعو
 role  in the  empowerment  of  women  and  to  focus  on    ةيمنتلا يـــف نهتمهاـــسم ىلع تازيمتملا تاينيرحبلا لاـــمعلأا  on the occasion  of the Society’s 20th    ةـــيعمج سيـــسأتل نورـــشعلا ىرـــكذلا
 the contribution and economic development of Bahrain   .ةيداصتقلاا  anniversary celebration. It was an honour    ثـــيح  ةـــينيرحبلا  لاـــمعلأا  تاديـــس
 businesswomen.  to be one of the Founding Members and                               تاوضعلا دـــحأ نوكأ نأ فرـــشب تـــيظح
 Mission   تاديـــسلا نم ةعومجم يه ةينيرحبلا لامعلأا تاديـــس ةيعمج  to meet and work with a such a group of    تدعـــس دـــقو ،ةـــيعمجلل تاـــسسؤملا
 فدهو ةلاسر
                                                                                     نم ةزيمم ةـــبخن عـــم لمعلاو فرـــعتلاب
 Bahrain Businesswomen Society is a motivated  and    بذج وه نـــهفدهو نـــيرحبلا يـــف تارـــباثملاو تاـــسمحتملا  distinguished women.   .ةيضاملا تاونـــسلا ىدـــم ىلع تاديـــسلا
 determined group of businesswomen in Bahrain whose goal    اهريوطت مـــتي يتلا لامعلأل نـــهئاضعأ لـــيثمتو ،ةديج ةكبـــش  The reign of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al    يديـــس دـــهع يـــف اـــنل تأـــيهت دـــقل
 is to have a good network, to represent their members for    ةفرعملاب لاـــمعلأا تاديـــس معدو نيكمتو زـــيزعتو رارمتـــساب  Khalifa has given us every opportunity to    نب دمح كـــلملا ةللاجلا بـــحاص ةرـــضح
 constantly developed business and to promote, empower    ملاع يف لـــضفأ بصنم ىلع لوـــصحلل تاـــسرامملا لضفأو  excel and represent the achievements of    نيرحبلا ةـــكلمم كلم ةفيلخ لآ ىـــسيع
 and  support  entrepreneurs  with knowledge  and  best   .لامعلأا  Bahraini women on a national level and    مدقتلل صرـــفلا لك ،هاـــعرو للها هـــظفح
 practices for a better position in the world of business.  abroad. Moreover, we have been    يف ةـــينيرحبلا ةأرـــملا لـــيثمتو زاـــجنلإاو
 Vision  ةيؤر  privileged to have the continued support                              امك .اًـــيملاعو اًـــيلحم لـــفاحملا ةـــفاك

  ةمادتـــسم ةيكبـــش ةمظنم ةينيرحبلا لامعلأا تاديـــس ةيعمج  of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al    ةريملأا يـــكلملا ومـــسلا ةبحاص اـــنتحنم
 Bahrain Businesswomen Society is to be a globally    يف يباجيلإا رـــييغتلا ىلع رـــثؤت اًيملاع اهب فرـــتعمو ةرـــكتبمو  Khalifa, Wife of HM the King and President of the    نيرحبلا ةـــكلمم كـــلم ةنيرق ةـــفيلخ لآ مـــيهاربإ تـــنب ةكيبـــس
 sustainable innovative and recognised network organisation    .هلمكأب نيرحبلا داـــصتقا يف ةمهاـــسملاو عمتجملا  Supreme Council for  Women, who has lent her    دنع ةميركلا اـــهتياعر ،للها اهظفح ةأرـــملل ىلعلأا سلجملا ةـــسيئر
 affecting positive change in the society and contributing to   patronage  to the society at  its inception and    نورـــشعلا تاونـــسلا لاوط ةيعمجلا لاـــمعلأ اـــهمعدو سيـــسأتلا
 the entire economy of Bahrain.  ةيرهوجلا ميقلا  continues to strongly support its efforts and activities    ركشلاو .نافرعلاو ريدقتلاو ركـــشلا تايآ ىمـــسأ انم اهلف ةيضاملا
 Core Values  نيكمتلا  to  date.  We  are  also  grateful  to  our  Honorary    ةسيئرلا ،ةفيلخ لآ ناملـــس تنب ةبجاث ةخيـــشلا ومـــس ىلإ لوصوم
                                                                ةفاكل اهتدناـــسمل ،ةينيرحبلا لاـــمعلأا تاديـــس ةيعمجل ةـــيرخفلا
 Empowerment   اـــنئاضعلأ يـــنهملا مـــعدلا مـــيدقت ىـــلع تاـــصيرح نـــحن   President, HH Shaikha Thajba bint Salman Al Khalifa,    ةكلممل ريخلا هـــيف ام لك يف اهتريـــسم معدو ةيعمجلا ةطـــشنأ

  ةءافكب نـــهدراوم مادختـــساو نهذوفن ةدايز نـــم نهنيكمتل  as the society continues to grow and prosper under   .ةيلاغلا  نـــيرحبلا
 We are keen to provide our members with a professional
 support enabling them to increase their influence, to use   .حاجنو  her guidance.   اهتققح يتلا ةـــلصاوتملا تازاجنلإا تدهـــش تاونـــسلا رورم عم
                                                                ةصنم تـــحبصأ ثـــيح يراـــجتلا عاـــطقلا ةـــمدخ يـــف ةـــيعمجلا
 their resources efficiently and to succeed.  Over the years I have seen the society achieve its
 لاصتلاا  aims in serving the business community. It became a    ليجلا ىـــلإ علطتأو ،ةـــينيرحبلا ةأرـــملل زـــيمتلاو عادـــبلإا عيجـــشتل
 Connectivity   لجأ نم انئاضعأ نـــيب ةلدابتملا تاـــقلاعلا زيزعتل ىعـــسن نحن  platform  for  inspiration  and  empowerment  for  all    ةناملأا لـــمح يف نلصاويـــس يتلالا لاـــمعلأا تاديـــس نم ديدجلا

  We are seeking to foster the interrelations between our   .لمعلا صرـــفو ةفرعملا لداـــبتل صرف قلخ  Bahraini women. I look forward to the new generation    تاحاجنلاو تازاـــجنلإا نـــم ديزملا زارـــحإو ةـــمداقلا تاونـــسلا يف
                                                                روطتلا نـــم  ٍ ضيفو ةـــيداصتقلاا نـــيرحبلا ةـــكلمم ةيؤر قـــيقحتل
 members in order to create opportunities for knowledge   of  businesswomen  leading  the  way  into  the Third   .ءاخرلاو
 sharing and business opportunities.  نماضتلا  Decade  in support of our beloved Kingdom’s
 Solidarity   عمتجم ،ةأرـــملا عمتجم :دـــحاو عـــمتجم يف تاـــطبترم اـــنلك  economic vision as we move towards  more   ةفيلخ لآ يلع تنب ةشئاع
          development and prosperity.
                                                                                                         ةقباسلا ةسيئرلا
  We are all tied in one society: society of women, society
 business.  ينافتلا  Aisha bint Ali Al Khalifa
 Dedication   اننلأ اـــنعمتجمل دـــهجلاو تـــقولا نـــم رـــيثكلا يـــطعن نـــحن  Past President

 We  are  giving  a  lot  of  time and  energy  to  our  society   .هـــحاجنب تاـــعوفدم
 because are motivated by its success.
 Partnership   دملأا ةليوطو ةـــيوق تاكارـــش ىلع ظافحلاو لـــيعفتو رـــيوطت

 Develop, activate  and  maintain solid  and  long-term    لامعلأا صرـــف لـــضفأ قـــلخ ىلع لاـــمعلأا تاديـــس دعاـــست
 partnership that help business women to create the best   .اًيلودو  اًـــيلحم
 business  opportunities locally and  internationally.

 93  BAHRAIN BUSINESSWOMEN'S SOCIETY 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS        حاجنلا نم اًماع 20  ةينيرحبلا لامعلأا تاديس ةيعمج  92
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