Page 148 - BBS-20-Anniversary-Book-of-Achievements
P. 148

- Women and health: The Ministry of Health              ةينيرحبلا ةأرـــملا :رارـــقلا عنصو ةطلـــسلا يف ةأرـــملا -          The National Charter seeks to affirm the equality   لجرلا نـــيب ةاواـــسملا ديكأتل يـــنطولا لـــمعلا قاثيم ىعـــسي
        adopted a new gender-mainstreaming  strategy,             ةيذيفنتلاو ةيعيرـــشتلا :ثلاـــثلا تاطلـــسلا يـــف ةدوـــجوم       of men and women, providing as it does in chapter      نـــينطاوملا نأ ىـــلع هـــنم لولأا لـــصفلا صـــن ثـــيح ، ةأرـــملاو
        backed up by a plan of action for the next four years     ينطولا قاثيملا ةـــغايص ةنجل يف تكراـــش دقو .ةيئاضقلاو             I that citizens are equal before the law in rights and    زييمت نود ، تاـــبجاولاو قوـــقحلا يف نوـــناقلا مامأ نوواـــستم
        to promote its implementation, and a national health      ةكلمملا تعـــس امك .قاثيملا ىـــلع ءاتفتـــسلاا ةيلمع يفو           obligations, without distinction on the basis of sex.    قوقحل ةـــلودلا مـــعد ىلع زـــكري امك .ســـنجلا ساـــسأ ىـــلع
        strategy for schools was introduced, together with                                                                            It  also  lays  emphasis  on  the  State’s  support  for
        a  strategy to develop the technology employed            عورف دـــحأ( ىروـــشلا سلجم يف ءاـــسن دوجو ناـــمض ىلإ             women’s rights and the enactment of legislation to     نـــمضي .اـــهدارفأو ةرـــسلأا ةـــيامحل تاعيرـــشت نـــسو ةأرـــملا
        within the Ministry. National committees consisting                                         .)ينطولا ســـلجملا                protect the family and individual family members. It    قحلاب عتمتلاو نـــينطاوملا عـــيمجل لمعلا صرـــف ىلإ لوـــصولا
        of members from both governmental and non-                اهقح تسرام .ةيـــسايسلا ةايحلا يف ةأرملا تكراـــش امك               guarantees  access to job opportunities for all        ةـــسرامم نع  ً لاـــضف ، ةـــماعلا نوؤـــشلا يـــف ةكراـــشملا يـــف
                                                                                                                                                                                             اءدب ، دلاـــبلا يف ءاـــسنلاو لاجرلا لـــبق نم ةيـــسايسلا قوـــقحلا
        governmental  sectors  have  also  been  formed  to       ةيناملربلاو ةـــيدلبلا تاـــباختنلاا يف حـــشرتلاو تيوصتلا يـــف    citizens and enjoyment of the right to participate in  ً
        ensure the implementation of national health plans                 .ةيباختنلاا ناـــجللا تـــسأرتو 2002 ماع تيرجأ يتلا        public  affairs, as well as the exercise of political                        حـــشرتلاو تيوصتلا يـــف قـــحلا نم
        and programmes based on equality of the sexes;            ةينيرحبلا ةأرـــملا لغـــشت ، صاخلاو ماعلا نـــيعاطقلا يف           rights by  the  country’s  men  and  women,   ةرودلا ىـــلإ اـــهريرقت يـــف ةـــكلمملا تادـــهعت نـــم اـــقلاطنا
          -  Women in power and decision-making:                  ةعماج ةـــسيئر ، ةريفـــسلا ، ةرـــيزولا لـــثم ةيدايق بـــصانم     beginning  with  the right  to vote  and  stand as  a    ةدحتملا مملأل ةماعلا ةيعمجلل نيرـــشعلاو ةثلاثلا ةيئانثتـــسلاا
        Bahraini women are present in the three legislative,      كلـــسلا يـــف .رـــيدملاو ،ةـــيجراخلا ةرازو لـــيكو دعاـــسم ،    candidate;                                             لـــمعلا ةـــطخ ساـــسأ ىـــلعو ، 2000 وـــينوي يـــف )5+ نـــيجيب(
        executive and judicial branches of authority. They                                                                              Stemming from the undertakings made by the           ةيئامنلإا فادـــهلأاو ، 2005 ماـــع ىتح ةأرملاب ضوـــهنلل ةـــيبرعلا
        participated in the  committee which drafted the          ؛ ماعلا يـــعدملا بـــئان بصنم ةأرـــملا لغـــشت ، يـــئاضقلا       Kingdom in its report to the twenty-third special
        National Charter and in the process of the                قوـــس يف ةأرـــملا ةكراـــشم تداز :داـــصتقلااو ةأرـــملا -        session of the General  Assembly of the United         يف ةدراولا 12 ــــلا ةمـــساحلا مامتهلاا تلااـــجم ذيفنتو ةـــيفللأل
        referendum on the Charter. The Kingdom has further        دقل .ةيضاملا ةـــثلاثلا دوقعلا للاـــخ ظوحلم لكـــشب لمعلا          Nations (Beijing +5) in June 2000, and on the basis    نم ديدعلا يـــف تاـــحاجنلا قيقحت مـــت ، نـــيجيب لمع جاـــهنم
        sought to ensure that there are women in                  اهركتحي ناك بـــصانم نلغـــشو ةدـــيدج تاعاطق نـــلخد               of the Arab Plan of Action for the Advancement of                                     :كلذ يـــف امب ، تلااـــجملا
        theConsultative Council (a branch of the National         زـــيزعت ىـــلع ةـــلودلا تـــصرح اـــمك .قباـــسلا يـــف لاـــجرلا  Women to the  Year  2005, the Millennium   بابـــسأ ىلع ءاضقلا ىلإ ةـــكلمملا تعـــس :رقفلاو ةأرـــملا -
        Assembly). Women have also participated in political      نأـــشب ةرداصلا نيناوقلا عيمج يف نيـــسنجلا نيب ةاواـــسملا         Development Goals and implementation of the 12   ليوحت ىـــلإ فدهي يذلا بـــيردتلا رـــيفوت للاخ نم ثاـــنلإا رقف
        life; they exercised their right to vote and stand as     ةيراجتلا تاكرـــشلا نوـــناق لثم ، لـــمعلا قوـــسو داـــصتقلاا     critical  areas  of  concern  contained  in  the  Beijing   عيبل ةدـــيدج قاوـــسأ قلخو ةجتنم رـــسأ ىلإ ةـــجاتحملا رـــسلأا
        candidates  in  the  municipal  and  parliamentary        نوـــناقو ، ةراـــجتلا نوـــناقو ، يراـــجتلا ليجـــستلا نوـــناقو ،  Platform for Action, successes have been achieved    ليعفت ىـــلإ تعـــس امك .رـــسلأا هذـــه اهجتنت يـــتلا فاـــنصلأا
        elections held in 2002 and chaired electoral                                                                                  in numerous areas, including:                          .ةـــشيعملا ىوتـــسم عـــفرل ةـــيندملا تاعيرـــشتلاو ميـــسارملا
        commissions.  In  the  public  and  private  sectors,                    ؛ يموكحلا رـــيغ عاـــطقلا يف فـــيظوتلا               -  Women  and  poverty:  The  Kingdom  has           ليدعتو بـــتاورلا ةدايزل ةـــيذيفنتلا ةطلـــسلا نم تارارـــق رادصإ
        Bahraini women hold such leading positions as                                                                                 endeavoured to eradicate the causes of
        minister, ambassador, university chancellor, assistant                                                                        female  poverty by providing training aimed at         صاخلا وأ ماـــعلا عاطقلا يـــف ءاوـــس ، نيـــسنجلا لاكل تاولاعلا
        under-secretary of State and director. In the judiciary,                                                                      turning needy families into productive families and    ةريغصلا عيراـــشملل ضورـــقلا ططخم دـــيدمت ىـــلإ ةـــفاضلإاب ،
        a woman holds the position of deputy public                                                                                   by creating new markets for the sale of items                                                  ؛نيـــسنجلا لاكل
        prosecutor;                                                                                                                   produced by such families. It has also  sought to   اهدوهج ةـــكلمملا تلمكتـــسا :ةأرملا بـــيردتو مـــيلعت -
          - Women and the economy: The participation                                                                                  activate decrees and civil legislation to raise the   نـــم 7 ةداـــملا ساـــسأ ىـــلع ةـــيميلعتلا ةـــيلمعلاب ضوـــهنلل
        of women in the labour market has visibly increased                                                                           standard of living; decrees have been promulgated   ضوهنلل ةيجيتارتـــسا ميلعتلاو ةيبرتلا ةرازو تعضوو ، روتـــسدلا
        over the last three decades; they have entered new                                                                            by  the  executive  to  increase  salaries  and  adjust    لاكل حاتم و ةـــيناجم نوكت نأ ىـــلع صرحلا للاخ نم مـــيلعتلاب
        sectors    and    assumed     positions    previously                                                                         allowances for both sexes, whether in the public or    ةللاجلا بـــحاص ةرـــضح عورـــشم قلاطإ مـــت اـــمك .نيـــسنجلا
        monopolized by men. The State has also taken care                                                                             private sector, as well as extend the loan scheme      نيرحبلا ةـــكلمم كـــلم ةـــفيلخ لآ ىـــسيع نـــب  دـــمح كـــلملا
        to promote gender equality in all laws promulgated                                                                            for micro-projects (Micro start) to both sexes;
        on the economy and the labour market, such as the                                                                               - Education and training of women: The               ةيجيتارتـــسا ىنبت ثيح ، لبقتـــسملا سرادمل هاعرو للها هـــظفح
        Commercial Companies  Act, the Commercial                                                                                     Kingdom      has    complemented       its   efforts   فيظوتو تـــنرتنلإا مادختـــسا عيـــسوت ىـــلإ ةـــفداهلا ةرازوـــلا
        Registration  Act,  the  Trade  Act  and  the  Non-                                                                           for advancement with the educational process on        ميلعتلا لحارم عـــيمج يف تلااصتلااو تاـــمولعملا ايجولونكت
        Governmental Sector Employment Act;                                                                                           the basis of Article 7 of the Constitution, the Ministry                              .يعماجلا ىوتـــسملا ىـــلإ
                                                                                                                                      of Education, having planned a strategy to promote   ةديدج ةيجيتارتـــسا ةحصلا ةرازو تدمتعا :ةحصلاو ةأرـــملا -
                                                                                                                                      education by ensuring that it is free of charge and    لمع ةطخب ةـــموعدم ، يناـــسنجلا روـــظنملا ةاعارم مـــيمعتل
                                                                                                                                      available to both sexes.  Also launched was the        ميدقت مـــت امك ، اـــهذيفنت زـــيزعتل ةـــمداقلا عـــبرلأا تاونـــسلل
                                                                                                                                      project of His  Majesty the King Hamad for the         ةيجيتارتـــسا بناج ىلإ ، سرادـــملل ةـــينطو ةيحص ةيجيتارتـــسا
                                                                                                                                      schools  of  the  future,  whereby  he  adopted  the
          تاءاصحإ مسلاا سفن لمحي يذلا لومحملا فتاهلا قيبطت رفوي .ةأرملل ىلعلأا سلجملا نعرداصلا نيسنجلا نيب نزاوتلل ينطولا ريرقتلا نم ليصافتلا *  Ministry’s  strategy  aimed  at  expanding  use  of  the    ليكـــشت مت امك .ةرازولا يف ةمدختـــسملا ايجولونكتلا ريوطتل
                                              .هلاعأ ةروكذملا تاعوضوملا عيمجل تاططخمو                                                 Internet and employing information and communication    ريغو يـــموكحلا نـــيعاطقلا نـــم ءاـــضعأ نـــم ةـــينطو ناـــجل
            *Details from the National Gender Balance Report of the Supreme Council for Women. The Mobile App by the                  technology  throughout  all  stages of education to    ةينطولا ةـــيحصلا جماربلاو طـــطخلا ذيفنت ناـــمضل يـــموكحلا
                                 same name provides statistics and charts of all the above topics.                                    university level;                                                          ؛ نيـــسنجلا نيب ةاواـــسملا ساـــسأ ىلع

          149  BAHRAIN BUSINESSWOMEN'S SOCIETY 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS                                                                                                                           حاجنلا نم اًماع 20  ةينيرحبلا لامعلأا تاديس ةيعمج  148
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