Page 22 - 4th Newsletter - July 2021 to Sep 2021 - En
P. 22

Meeting  with  H.E  Italian  Ambassador,  Ms.  Paola  Amadei,  in  presence  of

        Bahrain’s Ambassador to the Italian Republic H.E Dr. Nasser Balushi.
                                                                     Friday - 24 September 2021 - A virtual

                                                                     Meeting  was  held  with  Bahrain’s
                                                                     Ambassador to the Italian Republic H.E
                                                                     Dr. Nasser Balushi, , Trade Analyst at

                                                                     the  Italian  Trade  Agency  Mr.  Valerio
                                                                     Accorinti,  and  President  of  AIDDA
                                                                     Association Ms. Lilli Samer, to discuss

                                                                     match  making  between  Italian  and
                                                                     Bahraini  companies,  promoting  B2B
        collaborations and business tie-ups to support successful midsize women-owned businesses
        in gaining and expanding access into international markets and in growing their visibility and


        Meeting with Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Republic of Iraq,
        Mr. Abdullatif Al-Sakran

                                            August  2021  –  Meeting  with  Ambassador  of  the  Kingdom  of
                                            Bahrain  to  the  Republic  of  Iraq,  Mr.  Abdullatif  Al-Sakran.  BBS
                                            President Ahlam Janahi presented HE Mr. Abdullatif with the
                                            book celebrating the 20 years since the Society was founded.

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