Page 17 - 4th Newsletter - July 2021 to Sep 2021 - En
P. 17

BBS Members Participations in local & International events

        HE the Northern Governor's Visit to Riyadat Centre

        The visit of H.E. the Governor of the Northern Governorate, Ali bin Al-Shaikh Abdul Hussain
        Al-Asfoor  to  the  Riyadat  Complex,  and  the  governor  was  accompanied  by  a  number  of
        officials in the governorate, Dr. Wafaa Al-Sharbati, Director of Health Promotion, member of
        the Coordinating Council, Ms. Sheikha Al-Fadil, Director of Small Enterprises Development at

        the Ministry of Commerce, member of the Coordinating Council, and Mrs. Ahlam Janahi, BBS
        President  and  Ms.  Samya  Hussein,  Good  Word  Society  Board  Member,  BBS  Member,
        Engineer Nour Al-Mutawa, owner of NJ Office for Engineering Consultations, in addition to
        Dr. Nader Al-Aali, representing Aali Charity Association, and Mr. Ali Al-Masjen, representing
        A’ali Housing Association.

         Farewell Reception for outgoing Thailand Ambassador HE Thanis Na Songkhla

        Sunday -26 September 2021 – BBS President Ahlam Janahi attended a farewell reception for
        outgoing Thailand Ambassador HE Thanis Na Songkhla hosted by the Thai Club at the Gulf
        Hotel Barain Convention & Spa.

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