Page 42 - 3rd Newsletter - Nov 2020 to June 2021 English
P. 42

Ambassadors and members of diplomatic corps receive the
                       documentary book “20 Years of Success” on the Society’s
                                       achievements since its inception

                 BBS Meeting with H.E Ambassador of South Korea

           Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - The visit of H.E. Mr. Hai Kuan Chung, Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea
           to the Kingdom of Bahrain to BBS Premises.

                 BBS Meeting with H.E Ambassador of India

           Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - The Society’s delegation visited the Indian embassy in Bahrain and met H.E.
           the Indian Ambassador to Bahrain Mr. Piyush Srivastava, and discussed ways to develop trade relations
           between the businesswomen sectors in the two countries. He reviewed the joint cooperation between
           the Society and various economic and commercial institutions in India, and the potential mutual visits and
           business engagement in this regard.


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