Page 38 - 3rd Newsletter - Nov 2020 to June 2021 English
P. 38

Ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps receive
                    the documentary book “20 Years of Success” on the Society’s
                                       achievements since its inception

                 BBS Meeting with H.E Ambassador of Thailand

           Thursday, April 8, 2021 – A delegation from BBS visited the Thai embassy and met H.E. Thanis Na Songkhla,
           the Ambassador of Thailand. During the visit, BBS President Ahlam Janahi and BBS Board members and
           Society members presented a copy of the book to the ambassador. BBS achievements and activities, and
           ways to revitalize trade and investment relations in light of the distinguished fraternal  relations that bind
           both countries, and bilateral  commercial relationship and partnerships were discussed.

                 BBS Meeting with H.E Ambassador of Germany

           Sunday, March 28, 2021 - A Meeting with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Kai
           Boeckmann, and the Deputy Head of the German Mission, Mr. Martin Lötzer, was held during which
           the cooperation between the two sides and the development of relations between the businesswomen
           sectors in Bahrain and Germany, especially in the sector of small enterprises, were discussed. The German
           ambassador offered opportunities to benefit from the “German language courses” that the Embassy could
           offer to the Society’s members “online”. HE the ambassador expressed his sincere wishes for the society
           to succeed.


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