Page 8 - 8th BBS Newsletter - En & Ar 1
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ي ي ار طلا ةطننم ا ايا ل ةاعطنلا ارا إ خنم وا ع آترام يرض ة آيا ةاال لااجولونكولا ض بيرفولا ةننل تطن – ٢٠٢٣ ويام 8
م يي اطعخيا ىخع Metaverse اثأتض يو ول اض ححلاض يعان ييييية يا طا ذلا تاونع اطع ةيييييينرض ل آي ححلا ي ي - ااجولونكول ا
8 May 2023 - BBS Training & Technology Committee, headed by Ms. Doris Martin BBS Board Member Head of Training
and Technology Committee, Ambassador of Women in Tech Bahrain Chapter, organized the 3rd Series Workshop titled
'The Artificial Intelligence, Research & Development and the Impact of Metaverse on the Business' in the Society.
ةننخلا الر ي اةلا ال لا بلا لوعم يكاي افا لا ةاال ةاعاطوج يا ةننخلا تطن ل آامض فني عم تضاعولا – ٢٠٢٣ ويام ١
فنيلا يي ةاعطنلا اواعل را يإ ةحجض ل ةاعاطوج يا
1 May 2023 - In cooperation with the Domain Hotel, BBS - Social Committee headed by Mrs. Vicky Mouawad, BBS
Board Member Second Vice-President Head of the Social Committee organized a Breakfast for the members at
the hotel
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