Page 12 - 8th BBS Newsletter - En & Ar 1
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ةالا نلا اطعخيا ا اير يي نفونمض ل عم يي فحوط يةانج ا ةر لةاعطنلا الر ة راشم – ٢٠٢٣ يا حي ١6
– ااجولونكولاض راطةواإيا يض ت بوكم الر آا ة عناه روو فلا ا اعا ةياعر تحت ا وي يا يي عاخعولاض
ةاني ححلا اطعخيا افاا ةاعطج عم تضاعولا ض انحخل ةاكخطلا ةعمانلا عم عاننولا ضفا والا
16 Feb 2023 – BBS President, Ahlam Janahi participated as a speaker at RUW Annual Entrepreneurship
Forum On" Women Entrepreneurship and Education on Circular Economy" in collaboration with BBS.
يياضخيا عييألا اطعر افاييا ةكحيين وإ ا اعإ آع ت عإيا اويي ييحيية طتنم ف ع – ٢٠٢٣ يا حي ١٣
اناط لا ض آم اطعر افاا ااعطج عأع عاتض آي ححلا ةكخطم اه مض )انام ( اا ي ير اطنض
13 Feb 2023 - A press conference was held regarding the announcement of the re-launch of the Middle East
and North Africa Businesswomen's Network (MENA), which is based in the Kingdom of Bahrain and includes
ten businesswomen's associations from MENA countries.
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