Page 30 - 8th BBS Newsletter - En & Ar 1
P. 30

Congratulations Corner       -     تاكيربتو يناهت

         ىنم  افايي لا ا اعييا  ةاعطنخل ة  ايي لا ةيي ال لا آهض ل  اطعخيا  افاييا نويخي   روي ةطلاي ىخع  ااني ح     -   5    ٢٠٢٣   يا حي  ١١     تحيي لا

          ج    افايي  لا ض لوكايي ل "ذاينولا  ال لا "ضا اييشلا ط  ن   افايي لا  لد  يضرض فينطلا ااخ  ميياوي ة عييأل "ذاينولا  يفطلا فينطلا ميياوي
         آ  ااخ  ة عج يي "ذاينولا  ال لاض  ال لا و ا  تاطخا "ةوا   افا لاض  لآي ححلا ةةرو  يي  ااخطعخل "ذاينولا  ال ل ا   اطج خض ي

                                                                                                         و ا  عاها  إ

        11 Feb 2023 - 5 Bahrainis are on the Forbes list of the most powerful businesswomen, and they are the former president of the
        association, Mrs. Mona Yousef Al-Moayyed, CEO of Yousef Khalil Al-Moayyed & Sons Company, former BBS member Mrs. Najla
        Al-Shirawi, CEO of SICO, Mrs. Narges Farroukh Jamal, CEO of Operations at the Bahrain Stock Exchange, and a member of the
        society  Former  Mrs.  Suzy  Salman  Kanoo,  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Khalil  Bin  Ebrahim  Kanoo  Company.

            تحت   ٢٠٢٣  " ا لا اطعلاض ةا ا  إيا ا لانل ةةلاةلا ارضفلا اية      آا ة ةاماا  افا لا  ارا إيا  خنم اواع عي كت    -    ٢٠٢٣   يا حي
                                          اااحلا ا نن ةاعطج آم عاننو ض روي علا ةماار فا لا ا اعا ةاعاطوجإيا ةاطنولا  يةض ةياعر
         February 2023 – Honoring BBS Board Member Mrs. Samya Hussein during the ceremony of the 3  session of the Humanitarian
        and Charitable Work Award 2023 under the auspices of the Minister of Social Development, His Excellency Mr. Osama Al-Asfoor,
        organized by the Tree of Life Association .

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