Page 16 - 4th Newsletter - July 2021 to Sep 2021 - En
P. 16

With Council for Promotion of Trade and Industry, India (CPTI)

                                                                           Tuesday  -  17  August  2021  -
                                                                           Bahrain           Businesswomen’s

                                                                           Society      and      Council      for
                                                                           Promotion of Trade and Industry,
                                                                           India  (CPTI)  signed  a  MoU  to
                                                                           promote  mutual  trade  and
                                                                           investment and enhance bilateral
                                                                           cooperation  between  the  two


                                                                           The signing took place between
        Council for Promotion of Trade & Industry’s Chairman Dr. Udit Raj and BBS President Ahlam

        With Women in Tech (WIT) Organization

                                                            Tuesday  -  17  August  2021  -  Bahrain
                                                            Businesswomen’s  Society  headed  by  Ahlam
                                                            Janahi and the “Women in Tech” organization
                                                            headed  by  Ayumi  Moore  Aoki  signed,  via

                                                            Zoom,  a  cooperation  protocol  in  order  to
                                                            achieve  the  common  economic  goals
                                                            stipulated  in  the  work  programs  of  both
                                                            organizations and to develop the business to
                                                            serve the national economy and the members
        of each in accordance with the regulating laws.

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