Page 7 - 1st Newsletter - Fall - Aug - Oct 2019
P. 7

Renewal of MOU - BBS & Arab Women Investors Union

            29th September 2019: BBS signed a renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement with Arab
            Women Investors Union during their participation in the Arab African Investment & International
            Cooperation Conference in the Republic of Egypt. The Arab Women Investors Union (AWIU) is
            a group of top  and elite businesswomen in the fields of (Industry, Toursim, Agriculture, Trade
            and Real Estate Development). AWIU was established in 2005. It’s aim is to support women in
            all investment fields. AWIU supports Arab and African investment cooperation through various
            projects. The AWIU platform provides business networks and exchange of resources for BBS
            For further information, please visit the website:

             MOU Agreement - BBS & Flat6Labs Bahrain Accelerator

             Manama – 3rd October 2019: BBS signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Flat6labs Bahrain
             Accelerator, which will  provide members access to business training programs, boot camps,
             App  & e-digital marketing workshops, and mentoring services.   Flat6labs  Bahrain is an
             accelerator program aiming to help accelerate the growth of local and international start ups
             in Bahrain and provide a steady pipeline to rapidly growing Bahraini venture capital industry.
             For further information, please visit the website:

             BBS is always interested to hear and to speak to members who want to offer their services in
             this domain. We are building a directory of experts to help us keep track of the possibilities out
             there! If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Head of Advisory, Doris Martin

             We look forward to meeting   you online or at a BBS event in 2019/20.

             Stay safe and stay connected.
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