Page 5 - 1st Newsletter - Fall - Aug - Oct 2019
P. 5

BBS Executive

            Management Workshop

           How to Lead Like a Coach

           Leaders are under great pressure to produce results at
           a faster pace, using fewer resources with many more
           options to choose from.
           Coaching is the smart way for you to deal with these
           pressures. When leaders coach, they support their teams
           to get more work done and to perform better. When you
           take the time to coach, people trust you more, they work
           smarter, collaborate better and are more innovative. They
           listen and ask questions rather than ask others what to do.
           For further information, please contact Dr. Lulwa Al
           Mutlaq- Email:, 17644955

           BBS & WIN Network Parnership

           Switzerland  –  6th August 2019: BBS signed  the “Networking Partnership
           Agreement” with the Women International Network (WIN) in Lausanne,
           Switzerland.  WIN is  for the modern Renaissance woman, who wishes to
           connect with global communities and  business organizations. WIN inspires
           conscious women to step into decision-making roles, advance their careers,
           leadership  roles and excel in their businesses. It was established in  1998.
           The WIN conference inspires plenary sessions, interactive workshops with
           mindful networking ensuring that  everyone  grows. The WIN platform will
           provide business network opertunities and exchange of resources for BBS

           For further information, please visit the website:
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