Page 4 - 3rd Newsletter - Nov 2020 to June 2021 English
P. 4

Message from the President

             As we mark the first 6 months of 2021, and between the beginning of a new term of the Board of Directors
             and looking back at the efforts of the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society in the previous session which
             we dedicate to our beloved kingdom with the blessings and the grace of God Almighty.  BBS, as the first
             businesswomen society in Bahrain continues to progress and advance with the wise directives of His
             Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the beloved monarch of the country and HRH Prince Salman Bin
             Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince & Prime Minister, and in line with the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Economic
             vision and the guidance of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of HM the
             King and President of the Supreme Council for Women, and the guidance  and supervision of HH Shaikha
             Thajba bint Salman Al Khalifa, the Honorary President of the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society (May God
             protect them).

             BBS was able to achieve more distinguished activities in the tenth session 2018-2021, where the Society
             organized 83 events during the two and a half years and participated in many international and external
             events and conferences.

                                          BBS activities during the years 2018-2021

                                                                    2018   2019    2020      2021 till June:

               Activities organized by the Society locally           27     27      16             5

               Activities organized by the Society internationally   0      7        6             1

               Total                                                 27     34      22             6

             The main objectives of BBS:
             - Developing and strengthening economic relations between businesswomen in Bahrain

             - Strengthening the role of women in all commercial activities and supporting them in all economic fields
             - And work to highlight the participation of women in the boards of directors, the Bahrain Chamber of
             Commerce, banks and investment companies.

             - The access of Bahraini businesswomen to decision-making positions in the government sector and the
             success in their impact on society

             This is the result of the continuous:
             - Government support and empowerment for women in executive and leadership positions
             - Flexibility and overcoming challenges, especially in the circumstances of the Corona pandemic
             - The Bahraini Community’s economic and cultural awareness
             - Training and executive coaching programs for BBS members


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