Page 7 - 7th BBS Newsletter - En & Ar_with HS Comments and tracked changes (1)
P. 7

ةيعمجلل يرهشلا ءاشعلا
                                                 BBS Monthly Dinner

                                                    .ةيلدملا  –     خو يف يلايل ممطم يف ةيمميلل   هةلا ءاةملا    –    2023   ياني   29  دولأا
        Sunday, 29 January 2023 – BBS get-together Dinner was held at Layali Fairouz Restaurant – Adliya.

                                         SayG  ةكرش عم ةيعمجلل ةصنم   لمعل  دقع عيقوت
                                   Signing contract for BBS e-Platform with SayG

         ةينو تكلرا ةونم لا  ميموتل " SayG "  يي  اس ةك ة   لم ادقخ ال قم يف ةيني وبلا اامخلأا تاديس ةيممي تم و    -    2023   ياني   22  لدولأا
                 .    ايملاخو  ايميل إو ايلوم قاطن لسوأ  لخ وهتامدخو وهتايتنم قيوست  دهب اهتاودمل لددمتم  ةينو تكلإ  ياتم مدت يتلا ةيمميلل
          يد ملا لديببس ةولط وبأ ديببسلا لم  ةيمميلل يلاملا ويملأا  ولادلا ةمطاف لديببسلا    و  يناملا  ي  لا ب ان نومم يكيف لديببسلا  ةيمميلا وخ  ببدوو
                                                                                                  .    SayG  ةك ةل ماملا

        Sunday, 22 January 2023 – BBS signed a contract with SayG Company to develop the BBS e- platform, which
        includes multiple online stores for members, with the aim of marketing their products and services on a wide
        scale locally, regionally and globally.
        The agreement was signed by BBS Second Vice President Mrs. Vicky Mouawad and BBS Treasurer Mrs.
        Fatima Al Dilawer with Mr. Abu Talha Syed the General Manager of SayG.

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