Page 18 - 8th BBS Newsletter - En & Ar 1
P. 18

اوالا  ةالاعي يي ةاني ححلا  اطعخيا  افايييييا ةاعطج   ت  رايييييين  آي ححلا يي ةاكي م يا ةعمانلا آم اوعف     –    ٢٠٢٣  سرام  ١١
                                                                         ةعمانلا    م  يي   ٢٠٢٣  ةاكي مخيا ةعمانخل يطلاعلا
        11 Mar 2023 - At the invitation of the American University in Bahrain, Bahrain Businesswomen's Society
        participation  in  the  "AUBH  International  Day  2023"  event  at  the  American  University  of  Bahrain.

          خنطل "  يلا  ال لاض ار طخل ىخعخيا  خنطلا ةيي الر ) ارامإيا ار( ةطواي ة اييشلا وطييا ةياعر تحت    –    ٢٠٢٣  سرام   ١٢ - ١٠
          افلار   راعييين تحت ظلتض ييييكوعلا افي ي ةييياال    ارامإيا  اطعر  افايييا  خنم آم عاننو ض    ارامإيا  اطعر  افايييا
          افلا ل يطلاعلا نفونطلا يي  فحوط   يةانج ا  ةر   افايييي لا   ةاعطنلا ةيييي الر   ت  رايييين    يطي لا   وحولا اظ يي  اطعخيا
         ةك حن ة الر ي اي لا تانير  افا لا  ةاعطنلا اواع ت  ران اط    ليحظ و ر ةاتارامإيا ةطةاعلا موي ااواا "ذلا   ٢٠٢٣   اطعخيا
                            يلاحلا ارا إيا  خنم واع  وخه  ة شلاع اروو فلا ل نفونطلا يي   فحوط     انام  ة  نط   اطعخيا  افاا
        10-12 Mar 2023 - Under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima (Mother of the Emirates), President of the
        Supreme Council for Women and Honorary President of the Emirates Businesswomen Council, and organized by the
        Council  of  Women  Businesswomen  of  the  Emirates  headed  by  Farida  Al-Awadi,  under  the  slogan  "Women
        Entrepreneurs in Light of Digital Transformation", Participation of BBS President, Ahlam Janahi, as a speaker at the
        Global Forum for Women Entrepreneurs 2023, which was hosted by the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, and BBS Member
        Mrs. Afnan Al-Zayani, head of the MENA Businesswomen's Network as a speaker at the Global Forum, Dr. Aisha

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