Page 15 - 6th BBS Newsletter - En & Ar
P. 15

نيرحبلا   ةئيه   نم   دفو   هلابقتتتتتسا   يف   ناك    ذإ    ،ينطولا   نيرحبلا    حتم   ةيداحتلاا   ايتتتتسور   لامعأ   تاد يتتتتس   نم   دفو   راز    -    2022  وينوي   26  دحلأا
          علطاو    حتمل   ل  ةيتتتسيئرلا   تاعاقلا   يف   دفولا   ل   وجتو   ،نونفلاو   ةفاقثلا   ماع   ريدم   ةفيلخ    لا    دمحم   تنب   لاه   ةخيتتتشلا    داعتتتس   ةتتتسائرب   راثلآاو   ةفاقثلل
                                                                                  .     دوجوملا   ةيثارتلاو   ةيرثلأا   تاينتقملا   ىلع

        Sunday, 26 of June 2022 - A delegation of businesswomen from the Russian Federation visited the Bahrain
        National Museum last the, where they were welcomed by a delegation of the Bahrain Authority for Culture
        and Antiquities lead by Her Excellency Shaikha Hala bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, Director General of Culture
        and Arts. The delegation took a tour around the main halls and temporary exhibitions of the museum, and
        viewed the displayed archaeological collections.

          لامعلاا   تاديتتس   ةيعمج   ةتتسيئر   روتتضحب   ةيتتسورلا   ةيروهمجلا   نم   لامعلاا   تاديتتس   دفو   لبقتتتست  " نيرحبلا   ةفرغ    -   "  2022  وينوي   27  نينثلاا
                                                                                                          .    ةينيرحبلا
        Monday, 27 June 2022 - Bahrain Chamber “BCCI” receives a delegation of businesswomen from the Russian
        Republic, in the presence of the President of the Bahrain Businesswomen's Society.

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